Children Archive

Graham Family Portrait Session: Greensboro N.C. Photography

Cheers to a week of blogging! I’m trying to get my blog up to date, so I have quite a few session for you this week!

Everyone enjoys family sessions, so I will start the week off by sharing the Graham (well almost) family session! We had to reschedule this session three times, due to bad weather! When you have three little ones, you don’t want to take a chance on one of them getting sick! Finally, we found a date where the weather would work with us. The session was held at the Greensboro Arboretum, which is always a great setting. Unfortunately for all of the rescheduling, Sally’s husband couldn’t make it in time for the session! With that being said, I was still able to catch some mighty cute photos of this awesome kids with their sweet Mom!

So enjoy the selection of some of my favorites from this fun fall session!

If the kids are happy and having fun during your shoot .. everyone is happy! Love this shot below!


Everyone who knows me, knows I love glitter shoes!! Madison rocked these awesome shoes!

Tal’s Fall Portrait Session: Greensboro Family Photographer, N.C.

There is something about an October session. The weather is almost always perfect, the colors are beautiful, and people are just excited during this time. So I always LOVE my October sessions!

I’m sharing Tal & Scotty’s Session this evening! We met up at the Greensboro Arboretum for the session, and I was so happy to see the leaves changing perfectly. This was definitely a fun session for me, Tal was full of energy, which made for some great shots. Scotty told me I had my work cut out for me, but luckily she came prepared with candy corn & stickers. Ahh the rewards in life.

I think kids are on to something here .. Maybe I could get Ben to reward me with a piece of Maxie B’s cake at the end of a session?!  I might have to work on that.

So take a look at this sweet Mom & her adorable son! Thank you Scotty for allowing me to do this session, I enjoyed every minute of it!!


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