Annie’s Bridals {Reidsville Wedding Photography}

Happy to be sharing Annie’s Bridals today on the blog! It doesn’t get better than a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in your wedding dress, with your best friend (dancing in the background), and your sweet pup for a session! I just love how these turned out!

Annie you are just beautiful! Enjoy, friends!

Erica + West Married! {North Carolina Wedding Photographer}

Friends, I’m so excited to share this peony-packed, DIY dreamland, intimate backyard celebration with you today! I was fortunate enough to photograph Erica & West’s beautiful wedding Day earlier this year in Gastonia, NC at her parent’s house. I just loved getting to know Erica & West, and their wedding day was filled with love & happiness with friends & family. Erica, along with the help of family & friends created this beautiful handmade wedding. I just remember going over details with her and hear about her lunch breaks being spent on different crafts and things for the wedding. It was simply amazing! Erica & West radiate a happiness & love that is so sweet and special.

You CANNOT miss out on their beautiful wedding video by Landon James Video & Photography! West & Erica’s Wedding Day Video!

From the coffee filter flowers, to the handmade & sewn Ceremony programs, this wedding was the perfect fit for these two. So sit back & enjoy this happy day!

Erica & West – I’m so honored to know you both, and spend this amazing time with you guys! Thanks so much you lovebirds! xo!

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